School Standards and Inspection Information
School Inspection
In 2014, Education Scotland and the Care Inspectorate visited our school. They looked at how well pupils in our school learn and achieve and how well we support children to do their best. They spent time in classrooms with pupils and teachers, talked to parent focus groups, our PPG, the Senior Management Team. We are particularly proud of what they said about our pupils, the school and the staff. You can access our 2014 Inspection by clicking the link.
Nursery Inspection
In November 2022, the Royal School of Dunkeld Nursery received an unannounced visit by the Care Inspectorate who inspected the Nursery and looked at how well our children are cared for and how well they are supported in their play and learning. Inspectors also assessed our Nursery learning environment, leadership of the Nursery and the effectiveness of our staff team. The full report can be read by clicking the link below:
Standards and Quality Report
Every year staff and pupils evaluate the teaching and learning that takes place in our school. Our Standards and Quality Report looks back at the previous school year and outlines improvements that have been made within our school, reflects on the quality of teaching and learning experiences and highlights key areas for the next year's school improvement plan. You can access last sessions Standards and Quality Report by clicking the link.
2022 - 2023 Standards and Quality Report
School Improvement Plan
Every year, we work together to decide what's going to be different and better for our learners and these become the outcomes in our School Improvement Plan. The plan for 2023/2024 will be published shortly.