The Royal School of Dunkeld

The Royal School of Dunkeld
Love to Learn

Additional Support Needs

The Royal School of Dunkeld is committed to providing a fully inclusive education for all our pupils and to meeting the individual needs of all our pupils. Effectively supporting all our children to flourish and fulfil their potential is essential and is a key aim of the school.

From time to time pupils may have additional support needs and these needs can vary over time. Additional support needs for pupils may be able to be met within normal classroom practise however for some learners a greater level of support may be required.

In order that we provide the right support for our learners we are guided by the PKC Staged Intervention Framework which sets out the supports that may be needed for pupils at the Universal, Additional , Enhanced and Intensive levels.

Identifying and understanding the needs of our learners is essential and we aim to do this using a range of assessment tools and by working in collaboration with families and other partner agencies. When identifying the needs of our learners we take a holistic approach and consider a range of factors which may create barriers to learning. The assessment of a learners needs will then inform the support that they require. We are guided by the PKC Assessment Framework Guidance for schools and ELC settings.

Assessment information about a learner's additional support needs will then inform the Child and Young Persons Profile and Plan ( CYPP). Guidance about this process is available here.


Click here to view a leaflet detailing what “additional support needs” are and a brief summary of the roles of staff members who contribute to supporting learning across our school.

We have identified some resources which parents may find useful and these are listed below. Parents are encouraged to let us know if there are further links and resources that would be helpful for us to share. 

Understanding the Strengths and Difficulties of Neurodivergent Children ( University of Edinburgh) 

Understanding the Strengths and Difficulties of Dyspraxia ( University of Edinburgh) 

 A Strategy Booklet - a guide for parents of neurodivergent children ( University of Edinburgh) 

More information about additional support needs is available through: